mayo 14, 2010

Apúntate a las clases de Inglés en Entredós

Dime y olvidaré

Enséñame y recordaré

Hazme participar y entenderé.

(Proverbio chino)

Tell me and I will forget

Show me and I will remember

Involve me and I will understand.

(Chinese proverb)

I am a qualified teacher (Masters of Education) from Australia with a specialised degree in Performing Arts (Drama, Dance and Music). I have developed an exciting and creative English program and, after my success with teaching it in Thailand, I want to teach it here at Entredos!

This program will help you to release the fear that many people have when needing to speak in English. It is easy to feel blocked and under pressure when needing to speak. Attending these classes will help you to speak more instinctively and naturally and you will build your self-confidence.

The English program is interactive and based on conversation. It uses theatre games and improvisation techniques and also looks at conversational starters such as news articles, music lyrics and sections from novels and movies. It is an energetic and fun program that will help you to utilise your knowledge of English and to also build on it. I also have creative ways to help you remember those horrible phrasal verbs and prepositions!!

Don't miss out on this opportunity! The program is fun, physical and interactive with an emphasis on enjoyment. I believe that everyone learns in different ways and most people have preferred styles so I teach using a variety of methods to capture all learners. I have an energetic teaching style and I am very passionate about teaching..

So if you want to:

  • Speak without fear and apprehension
  • Build on current knowledge of English and also extend
  • Get help with your pronunciation of English
  • Have the opportunity to speak more naturally and instinctively
  • Build on your self confidence

Now is the time!!!

Ya hay varias mujeres interesadas y queremos completar los grupos. Anímate y apúntate antes del sábado. Te ofrecemos dos oportunidades:

  • Dos sábados al mes, de 11 a 13 horas.

  • O cada miércoles, de 12 a 13:30 horas.

Los grupos serán de un mínimo de 10 y un máximo de 20 mujeres. El precio es de 50 euros al mes para las socias de Entredós y de 55 euros para las que aún no lo sois.

Claire propone unas clases divertidas y enérgicas, creativas e interactivas, para ayudarnos a expresarnos sin miedo y generando confianza. Pretende que podamos hablar con los conocimientos que ya tenemos, de forma instintiva y natural y, por supuesto, ampliar conocimientos.

Escríbe o llama:


Teléfono: 91 5220022

C/Marqués viudo de Pontejos, 4 (Metro Sol)

Sí a la Diversidad Familiar!
The Blood of Fish, Published in